
Showing posts from May, 2020

Economics in One Lesson: Do Price Controls really work?

Economics in One Lesson: Do Price Controls really work? This is the transcript of my video Economics in One Lesson: Do Price Controls really work? You can see the video here .  Hello Guys, Introduction We are living in unprecedented times where we are staring at a global recession and even a depression in the worst-case scenario. Once the shutdowns are lifted the focus of all the governments will be to take unprecedented measures to reverse the economic damage caused by the shutdowns. These measures will be touted as temporary and would be purported to relieve the pain of the worst affected classes. On the face of it, they may look necessary and even seem to work but once you dig deeper you will discover the disastrous consequences of these measures which are influenced by economic fallacies on the society as a whole. These consequences have an impact on each an everyone one of us. Some of us will be affected very badly by it and some of us will do okay but none